Saint Buddha (Svjatoj Budda)

It protects against the evil eye and astral entities (parasites). It works to eliminate bad habits. It removes to a certain extent the ancestral curse. Removes the cause of the disease. It cleanses selfishness and bad habits. It is used in the recovery of the skull bones before the seams are bent. It is applied to the spine, hernias, fractures, sprains, postoperative scars. It heals the stomach and removes gastrointestinal tumors. Frequency enhances the regeneration of tissues and organs. Relieves painful shock and restores blood loss. Helps in body resistance to icy water, fire, physical conditions that suffocate the body, etc. as well as in stressful situations of the physical body. It resolves, heals, redistributes energy to the organs and balances the connections between organs. It works through nerve endings. Solves spikes.

Saint Buddha

Work with hernias, scars, postoperative scars, fractures. Heals joints and stomach, destructs tumors of the digestive tract.

Without Initiation (attunement) it's can't to use frequencies CATEGORICALLY.
Otherwise, you take full responsibility for your destiny on yourself, risking your mental and physical health.

The author is not responsible in case of unauthorized use of the information published on the site without initiation and training.