Saint Moses (Svjatoj Moisej)
It restores the correct mechanism of cell division (prevention of oncology). It eliminates the impact of energy submissions. Removes necrotic bindings. Helps in vegetative – vascular dystonia, ear diseases, and eyes. It restores energy, works on salt deposition in the 7th cervical vertebra, in the curvature of the spine, restores the intervertebral discs. Relieves muscle spasm. It finds multiple application on the joints. Relieves cramps (circulatory insufficiency, fatigue, lack of trace minerals). It heals the kidneys, the liver, all the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (infectious, poisoning, dysentery, cholera, etc.)
Saint Moses
It works with the respiratory tract, hepar, kidney, stomach. In many aspects is analogous to the “Risur” frequency.
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Otherwise, you take full responsibility for your destiny on yourself, risking your mental and physical health.
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