
Protects against astral attacks and vampires. Improves hearing, contributes to the development of musical ear, and affects vocal cords. Promotes physical endurance. Applies to vegetative-vascular dystonia. Works in vision (pituitary vessels, conjunctivitis, blepharitis). Helps restore after stroke. Removes teak. It promotes bone marrow regeneration. It is used in muscular diseases (dystrophy, damage). It restores the joints. It is applicable to intestinal viral infection, pancreatitis, intestinal adhesions, dyskinesia and bile dilation, and jaundice. It helps in diseases associated with hormonal disorders. Protects the embryo from energy effects. It helps in childbirth (until transfusion) when there is a great loss of blood.


It is similar to the channel    “Gilius”, but “Kraon” is softer. It is indicated for treatment of any problems with blood and hematopoietic system. Clears blood in case of diabetes, jaundice, etc., partially has a positive effect on the spleen and hepar. Normalizes the content of leukocytes and bilirubin, eliminates the effects of radiation. Strengthens the immune and endocrine systems.

Without Initiation (attunement) it's can't to use frequencies CATEGORICALLY.
Otherwise, you take full responsibility for your destiny on yourself, risking your mental and physical health.

The author is not responsible in case of unauthorized use of the information published on the site without initiation and training.