What is AURA?
The aura or biofield is a thin shell around the material body, which is invisible to most people. It reflects all the information about a person – his health and lifestyle, emotions, and thoughts.
The aura is both the energy field of a living being and a reflection of the energies of the subtle plane circulating in the body. It shows our physical, emotional, and mental states. And it can also warn about the disease long before it begins.
The aura continuously changes its color, depending on which energies are circulating in the body. But nevertheless, each being is characterized by one basic color of the aura.
Each state of personality is manifested by a change in the color of the biofield. If a person is in a state of mental balance, the aura also takes a harmonious form and appropriate coloring. And if he gets out of balance, the aura becomes inharmonious. It also reflects the physical condition of a person: how he feels, and what he is sick with.
If a person has an incurable disease, his aura will gradually fade and may completely disappear shortly before death.
The aura cannot be separated from the material being, as it is its continuation.
A healthy person has an aura of about 15 cm around a physically dense body. But with the spiritual development of the individual, it gradually increases.
For example, we have all seen the golden halos that surround the heads of saints on icons. This is nothing but their aura, which can be seen even with the naked eye.
The aura is an energy cocoon around the physical body, and its colors are different components of the spectrum. Color refers to the "wavelength" or "frequency" that we perceive in the color scheme.
Moreover, the aura is directly related to the work of energy centers (chakras), health, psychological state, luck, and human life, in general, depending on the state of each of them.
Very often people cannot understand why difficulties suddenly come into their lives, thoughts of evil fate or a black stripe appear in their heads. In fact, the solution to the mystery is very simple – their biofield needs to be cleansed, since a person is captivated by his own contradictions, internal blocks of the subconscious that block the main energy channels, and sometimes by "uninvited guests" who are not averse to feeding on a person's vital energy, parasitizing and penetrating into his aura.
In this case, the situation should be urgently corrected by cleansing the energy shell. And in this very serious help can be provided by sessions of Cosmoenergetics, where there is a certain specificity and classification, divided into antimagic sessions, sessions for the restoration and harmonization of all human structures, and wellness sessions.
Various events occur in the life of a modern person. They are always neutral, but not all people realize this, giving the incident a negative or positive coloring. But if the positive "works" for the benefit of your energy, then negative thoughts and emotions can seriously affect the state of the aura, since they directly affect energy health.
What negative phenomena prevent energy from flowing freely:
• Quarrels and conflicts. The anger and irritation that you experience will definitely affect the health of the subtle body. As a result, the energy state suffers.
• Unforgiven grievances. The most dangerous kind of negativity, because resentment is an emotion which leads to cancer. Of course, one small offense is not terrible. But if you accumulate long-standing emotions of this kind, and keep them in yourself for years, this is very bad.
• Negative events experienced in the past. If you are burdened by past experience, you cannot let go of some experienced situation from your thoughts, you lose energy. It is necessary to get rid of such emotions.
Cosmoenergetics makes it possible to support oneself in all these cases and restore energy potential, it gives a sense of relief, it is very simple, and does not require the need to understand the situation and look for reasons.
There is a task — to restore energy and Cosmoenergetics copes with this perfectly in a few sessions.
With the help of Cosmoenergetics sessions, the following tasks can be solved:
• Rehabilitation and restoration of energy;
• Liberation and purification from interfering attachments, entities, negative energy, and aura breakdowns;
• Starting and harmonizing the work of the chakras, removing blocks;
• Leveling, filling breakouts, and filling the aura with healing frequency;
• General energization of the body;
• Increase of human vibrations;
• Clearing of dependencies;
• Diagnostics of the work of the chakras.
As a result of sessions:
• The reserve of vital forces increases;
• Health improves;
• The psycho-emotional state is restored — the person becomes more calm, balanced, and able to withstand nervous breakdowns and stress;
• Vital processes are restored at the energy and cellular level;
• Harmonizes relationships with others;
• A person becomes more energetic and positive-minded;
• The financial situation is improving and a series of positive events is being built into a harmonious chain;
• People with heavy karma leave their personal space.