
The channel of the flying yogis. It is applied to develop the ability to swing, to affect very ill patients and to treat stroke. It immediately treats those who are bedridden. Removes necrotic bindings. Cleans the energy field. It gives a sense of lightness, facilitates the general situation when other channels do not help or work slowly. It has good application in recent stroke, post-traumatic conditions, fatigue, painful legs, avitaminosis and metabolism. It helps in the purification of blood and in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Applies to mental illnesses. It resurrects from dizziness and helps in the treatment of the vestibular system.


The channel works with seriously ill who do not get out of bed. It gives a feeling of lightness, facilitates the general state, when other channels do not help or work slowly.Works with blood-strokes and chronic serious diseases. It gives levitation, lightness, the state of flight, the desire to create.

Without Initiation (attunement) it's can't to use frequencies CATEGORICALLY.
Otherwise, you take full responsibility for your destiny on yourself, risking your mental and physical health.

The author is not responsible in case of unauthorized use of the information published on the site without initiation and training.