
This frequency applies to psychosis, depressive disorders, chronic insomnia, panic attacks. It is used to treat schizophrenia and cerebral palsy. Relieves emotional and mental stress. It removes depression and restores from drug poisoning. Improves interaction with the environment. Removes the aggravation of nervous and mental illnesses during autumn, spring and full moon days. It contributes to the manifestation of one’s talents. It harmonizes the personality. Helps in making decisions. It is used as an auxiliary frequency when restoring a person from high alcohol consumption. It helps to cut the Gordian bond.


It works with schizophrenia, epilepsy, fainting, mental attacks, infantile cerebral palsy (ICP), when removing from drinking bouts.

Without Initiation (attunement) it's can't to use frequencies CATEGORICALLY.
Otherwise, you take full responsibility for your destiny on yourself, risking your mental and physical health.

The author is not responsible in case of unauthorized use of the information published on the site without initiation and training.