
Earthly, female channel. It is used for breast enlargement and correction of the breast shape as well as for any breast disease (except for mastopathy). It corrects the hormonal imbalance. It fills with solar energy. It restores the damaged aura. Removes lower bindings. Heals allergies. It removes dependence on other people. It releases karmic nodes.


Breast augmentation, correction of the breast shape, any breast diseases. Mastopathy is treated with Shaon and other canals. Unique hyper-energy protection for women from physical and psychoemotional violence.

Without Initiation (attunement) it's can't to use frequencies CATEGORICALLY.
Otherwise, you take full responsibility for your destiny on yourself, risking your mental and physical health.

The author is not responsible in case of unauthorized use of the information published on the site without initiation and training.