Disposable individual session on the withdrawal of family karma from previous generations to the tribe of 7. Such a session covers the corridors and streams of attracting generic karma for practicing from previous generations. The channel does not remove the karma accumulated by a person in this life - but it allows you to work it out gently and quickly. But what a person receives "by inheritance» being phased out, because everyone needs to work their, but for the "sins" of their ancestors, no one is not obliged to answer. Most people are pulling on someone else's load, thereby complicating their own lives, not being able to not just go through their evolutionary path, and elementary free from the "earned" by others. As a tired traveler, loaded with heavy bags, trying to climb the mountain, sometimes falling dead halfway, and many people carry the heavy karmic burden of past generations And if they have children, then, without realizing it, parents give them their "Luggage", which is unbearable to bear... Freed from the karmic-generic load, a person is not in the tens, and in hundreds of times easier to develop, progress and move through life. Such sessions are held from 4 to 6-8 p per year, for 3-4 years. In difficult cases, it is possible to conduct sessions and every two months, all depending on the situation. FREE YOURSELVES AND YOUR FUTURE GENERATIONS !