COVID-19 and treatment with Cosmoenergetics technologies

COVID-19 and treatment with Cosmoenergetics technologies

The modern world makes its own adjustments to life and, alas, sometimes not the most pleasant. This turned out to be the COVID-19 virus. But according to the laws of balance, if a certain poison appears, then an antidote will appear. 
Over the past few months, our school has accumulated considerable experience in dealing with complex viral infections. Powerful, effective schemes for healing this disease have been developed. 
Working with the general energy of the patient, with the immune system and blood purification, direct work with the organs ( throat, lungs, runny nose), all these are the levels at which the impact of Cosmoenergetics methods is carried out. 
The results once again confirm that here, too, the Cosmoenergetics technique is able to restore a person's health and life. 
The entire treatment regimen for viral infections, including Covid – 19, is fully adapted for remote work with patients, which gives an undeniable plus, since most of the patients are completely isolated. 

You can make an appointment for a consultation using the information provided in the contacts. 

Take care of yourself and be healthy!